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Celebrating Over 20 years of Rescuing Animals with Disabilities

Sanctuary Residents

Dogs & Cats that found a forever home at Pets with Disabilities.

Mission of the PWD Sanctuary: Although they don't get a lot of public attention, there are many dogs and cats that call PWD their forever home. They are truly the HEART of PWD. For most of them, euthanasia was their only other option. They require specialty care beyond what an ordinary home could provide - but their spirits are not broken

All of the sanctuary dogs live in a home environment - they get time on the couch, sleep in comfy beds, listening to the TV - and are on strict routines for medication and evaluation. But most of all, these incredible dogs and cats receive a lot of love and attention from our staff and volunteers. They have become part of our family.

make a heart connection

We need your help! Each one of our Sanctuary Residents is looking for a "Heart Connection" to support their care - providing spiritual energy to keep living the life of an unbroken spirit. Many dogs could use several Heart Connections!

